He's gunna fill the bed soon! He learned the blankie thing from Miss Lottie Byrd! He WILL NOT nap, sleep or be consoled without it! THANKS ALOT KIM & LOTTIE!! Love you guys and miss you lots!
rare photo op!
YEAH, I KNOW I'M CUTE! Vince is such a Daddy's boy.
He is so smart and talking a lot! I'm not sure who he looks like these days! I wanna put a brick on his head and keep him a baby, he's 20months and already showing interest in the potty! We got him a little one and he wants to sit on it for a minute and then run around! we may start pull- ups this summer!
Anyway, he's asleep and I'm gunna enjoy the quiet!
We are Mark, Vicky, Dusty, Vince and Allison Chapman
We love TX but we now live in Tennessee!!!
Our family is upside down with our 17 year old Dusty who wont let me take his picture and our 4 year old Vince and our newest, 1 year old Allison!
I am a stay at home mom that loves to decorate, my husband is a Field Supervisor for Home Depot.
Dusty is in High School, Vince is learning more and more every day, Alison ia a handfull!
Join our family in this God trusting life that we call "us".