Thursday, March 3, 2011

is anyone still out there?

I know, it's been so forever long since I've posted......................I'm sure no one stops by to see me anymore. I have at least one good excuse, well 3 to be more truthful .no four!
1. Allison broke my camera
4. facebook

There, I fessed up..........facebook is sooooooooo much quicker than blogging!

Anyway, I have been a little depressed lately....... I have been without transportation since JANUARY!!!! We just bought an '03 Town and Country and I just today, went to get the inspection done so I can go get the registration and plates. You ask why I didn't do that today? Well, miss prissy doesn't like being in the car and I don't like driving around with a screaming baby for too long! Man, Tennessee wants all your money and a pint of blood to get your vehicle legal... I wonder why I HAVE TO PAY THE STATE sales tax for a car THEY did not sell me??? Is it just me or did they not get paid the TAX when it was purchased new? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Yes, I know that's just the way it is but that just SUCKS. Anyway, Mark has been working 16 hour days since we've been here and he leaves before we wake up and gets home after Allison goes to bed and just in time for Vince to go to bed! He only sees her on the weekends!!! For real he doesn't get to see or hold her but 2 days a week!!! Vince is having a real hard time with him being gone. It's 8:40 pm now and he's still at work! It is about a 40 minute drive home from Nashville. He is still training and I hope this doesn't last too much longer! I MISS MY HUSBAND!!! I try not to get upset about it because it only makes him feel worse! I like to send him emails with pictures of the kids and funny comments. I need to find his boss a wife!
Well, I guess I'll go for now. I promise to get some pic's up soon. I bought a camera online and it should be here soon.


The Byrd's Nest said...

I'm still here!!!! I check on you often...I am always hopeful:) I hear ya on all of this sister! Remember how Lottie would always scream in the car, it drove me crazy! That is when I attached her to "stink" the blankie. Sad story...but true. I don't care what anyone says, it worked to have something to calm her down. I would rub her it on her cheeks and talk about the blankie like it was a blankie straight from heaven! Maybe there would be a little doll or animal that would soothe her? Just thinking.

It must be strange moving somewhere where there is a state tax to pay...but even though you pay state tax, isn't there another tax that Texans pay that you don't pay? I thought I heard that when I was in the working world but now I have forgotten because that is where I left all of my brain cells...on my old desk:)

Not having Mark there is so hard, I know this my friend. And REALLY hard on the kids, I know Vince is a Daddy's boy and he must be struggling. Maybe he will begin to work less hours once he gets settled in. Praying! You may be experiencing some culture shock too...guess what...I know all about this too! pays to have a much older friend with lots of life experience:) Call me whenever you need me!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kim. It's hard to adjust to a new place with new things to learn (like state taxes which I feel are of the devil), not to mention young children. Been there, done that. You'll make it, trust me. ;) Love each and every one of ya bunches...

Kim, Jim, Mason, & Briley