Monday, July 21, 2008

I just love to play on the bed with Daddy!

Vince is getting so big and he took 6 unassisted steps at church last night! Granted he was trying to "get" Alissa his nursery buddy who is 2 months older than him and is walking very good. I will get some shots of them next week and you can see how much he loves the ladies!

Oh, he also actually stayed in the nursery during Sunday school AND children's church!!! I teach the 2&3 year olds during Sunday school and then 2-4 y olds during children's church so I am in my classroom for 2 1/2 hours or so! I don't get to go to church unless I don't have any kids! Vince used to scream and clutch his diaper bag by the door (my class is next to his) but last week he stayed for SS but I had to get him after and take him to my class but this week he stayed the whole time!!! We are so proud!

1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

Yes he is growing up! I just love him!