Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Ok, I know you are all thinking...... She said Arizona..... and then NEVER said anything else!

Well, to all you impatient (me included :) !) people out there,
YES!!! We ARE going to move!

As far as details, I just know a lot of things must be done before then.
We were given an anticipated date of "sometime in August!" That's fine with me! I have to pack up our lives and move across the country!!!!

I will take as much time as I can get before the flood of boxes, bubble wrap, newspaper, garage sale and 18+ hours on the road!!!!!!!
Not to mention unpacking!

I can say I have been assured by the City of Queen Creek Animal Control AND the main hospital that the nasty little demon creatures called scorpions, are not cause for as much concern that I obviously have!

You are asking... Did she really call?? UH YEAH YOU BET I DID!

I once got a "fun fact" email that said turtles can breathe out their butts!
I called the Dallas Zoo and asked the worker in the turtle department! (yes I said turtle dept.)
She said THEY CAN PASS GAS but as far as any normal breathing NO!

Anyway, If you know me, you are not at all shocked at this post! And to those who don't,



Kim West said...

You are soooo crazy! No, not shocked at all by this post. I know it will be a good change of pace for you in AZ. We wish you the best always!

Morris' said...

YOU ARE SO CRAZY!!!!! I can't believe you calling the ZOO and asking that question. Ya'll are in our prayers. Please let was know what we can do for ya'll.

Love ya'll

The Byrd's Nest said...

You make me laugh right outloud! You are hysterical! You will love the change and the exciting new never know what God will do with your family in AZ! Love you and enjoyed seeing you this morning:)

Nora Glenys said...


I still don't know what's going on. Is this a job transfer or something else? You know you can't leave until we can see you guys again.
