Saturday, July 25, 2009

Long trip home

We arrived back home from Oklahoma last night around 11:30pm. Momma Dee's service was very nice. I wish my friend didn't live so far it was hard to say goodbye. Big Bobby (Kim's dad) was the hardest to leave. He had really only 5 words that he said to me most of the time when we were kids "don't you ever go home?" No, I never did. This family has meant so much to me over the past 20 years and it is very sad to see one of us gone. I know that out of all the love and all the memories I can still laugh and love her as if she was still sitting next to me.
Good bye for now Momma Dee, 'till we meet again, I love you.

All this has made me really think about who I am not just obvious things about me but what's really inside? It's hard to really look in the mirror.

I pray that the Lord will open my heart to be the Godly Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother and Friend that He intended me to be.


Morris' said...

We are so glad ya'll were there and helped with the first few days. Ya'll are all in our prayers. I just thought I glad you were this close and not in Az. already. Kim need you. What a amazing friend you are.

Kim West said...

This is true. It was a blessing that God worked out a delay in your moving to AZ quite possibly for this purpose. You made it a little more bearable to get through this time (and times to come). And yes, it makes you think a lot about you're own relationship with parents, and especially with God. Remember what I said, "it's just stuff". I love you dearly and thank you so much for being there when I needed you.


The Byrd's Nest said...

You are a very Godly friend, wife and mother. I am so thankful you were there for them. I know Kim will never forget your presence.