Wednesday, November 18, 2009

DR. Visit

I just got home from the DR. We are measuring on time and I lost 4 pounds!

The heartbeat was 156 and an old wives tale says anything over 140 is a girl! We set our sonogram appointment for January 7. I know, no one thinks that's farther away than I do! I was hoping to do it just before Christmas but the DR. said the ultrasound tech is off for 2 weeks and this was the soonest we could do it. I want to get a 3D ultrasound but those are $125.00!!!
That would be sooooooooo neat.

Anyway, 7 more weeks and counting........


The Byrd's Nest said...

Why do you always lose weight while you are pregnant?? lol I think Elisabeth's heart rate was anywhere from 150-160 and James was around 140. That was a really long time ago so I can't remember completely! I love you!

Kim West said...

We can't wait to hear the news (either way) she/he will be a healthy new addition to the Chapman family). Sure wish I could be there with you guys this week, but I just couldn't make it this time. Maybe next month! Love you all, and miss you bunches...