Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It takes all kinds..............

Someone once said, "It takes all kinds" he was referring to people, people in general in the world.

Some people are care free. Free in their finances (great jobs, beautiful homes, nice cars, designer clothes and shoes etc.), perfect wedding, husband, children, health and all the other "things" that society's social status says that you are better off with. 

I have watched people over the years grow in material things and have sometimes felt like I'm on the outside looking in.  I have never traveled the world, I wasn't able to go to college, I never shopped for the perfect wedding dress, worn or even tried on a shoe that costs more than $50.00 and that's pushing it for me!
I do live in a nice big brick house on a quiet street but it's not mine.  
I do have Pottery Barn items in my home but who cares right?
I drive a  loaded 2003 Chrysler Town and Country mini van but it has over 100k miles on it and I need new tires. 
I have 3 great kids, they are the world to me.
I have a wonderful husband, He loves us and works very hard.
I am a stay at home mommy and I am grateful to my husband who wants me here at home.
We can pay our bills, we have luxuries and spend a little money but we are not abundant in wealth.
Seems to me that the last 4 things I mentioned are just a much note worthy as having everything in the world.

I am proud my family has Christ as our foundation and none of the other things amount to anything.

Some people have some, all or even none of these things but they have Christ as Lord and Savior and that my friends is the most valuable thing we could ever have. 

So my introduction is plain and simple.  I'm Vicky Chapman and I'm a Christian.  And that my friends is the highest social status there is!

Be proud of me for that, not for my place in this word.

And to finish, it may take all kinds of people to stack on top of each other in class here on earth but in Heaven, there is no social class there is just ONE kind of people :  Servants of God!!

Be ready, for the Lord is coming soon.


The Byrd's Nest said...

You got it sister!!!! You have it all:) I used to have lots of material things and as you know we sold them was the most freeing feeling ever. But I will admit that I feel like my girls are missing out in some ways with friends and other things kids get to do in the states but when I write it out in my prayer journal trying to sort it all out in my heart....there is never anything that can compare to our life now. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Loved this and I love you, my friend! Sorry I don't get on here as often as I used to :(
Kim W.