Thursday, August 7, 2008

It was brought to my attention...............

I guess I have neglected my blogging duties! My dear friend Mrs. West (hehehehe) who has totally lost her mind and moved to, I can't even bring myself to type that state, you know, the one up on top of us??? I think they call it okla"gag"homa!!! JUST KIDDING KIM, don't get all twisted!

I hated to see them go, they took my husbands best friend, my sons little buddy, my best friend and little Vince's first love with them!

Yes, I AM STILL MAD!!!! really kim, don't get all tiffy with what I said.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you are feeling, and I promise I won't take anything you say to heart. It's hard being apart, however, as we've learned in the past the miles cannot separate our bond, our friendship, or our love for each of you. I love you dearly!

Kim (Jim, Mason, & Briley)