Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Vince Isaac Chapman

Ok, my baby boy is turning one tomorrow! I am thankful he is healthy and thriving.

Vince is a Godsend in every way. Over two years of prayer and waiting on God to show us His will, we were blessed with our second son, Vince Isaac Chapman. I must say that after delivery Vince was swept off to the NICU for a few days. He was a breath holder and they needed to make sure he was not anything more than stubborn! (this will help with swimming)
Then he had another issue due to (no I am not bragging) well, they needed to put another tie on his circ.! THEN... he developed jaundice! After many tests and specialists So we stayed in the hospital for about 5 days. (We got to see a sonogram of Vince's brain and organs!

I remember going outside the hospital very late for some air and stood alone in the parking lot thinking about all the new mommies and daddies that had come in, had babies and left already. Thinking why does my baby have to be in NICU? I just started bawling and praying. I asked, Father, I prayed and waited for you to give me this child, I don't understand why he can't be with us?
Father, yes, FATHER! Lights went off in my head!! You promised Abraham a son and from that son would be a great nation! You told Abraham to take his only son that he loved so dearly and offer him as a sacrifice to show his faith and trust. He obeyed, ready to give back to You the only son he had. You said I know that you love Me more than you love your only son, and that you are obedient. Since he was willing, You offered another sacrifice. A ram, a beautiful ram to take Isaac's place.

I continued to weep as I was I'm sure talking very loud. I cried Lord, please allow another sacrifice and let my baby get better but if not, I pray Your will be done and I trust you. After this, I felt so revived, a cool breeze blew on a hot August night and I went back upstairs. That very next morning the Dr, came in and told us Vince was ready to go home!

I know that nothing is for certain not even our next breath.

meaning: Conquering
Spiritual: Strength Through Faith
Scripture: Matthew 9:29 It shall be done to you according to your faith.

meaning: Laughter
Spiritual: Child of Promise
Scripture: Genesis 21:6 God has made laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me.

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